Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Daniel & Ribka

We took this couple photoshoot @ Jakarta.. Miss Jakarta so much... enjoy dear.!

Forever with You....

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

Indoor Photoshoot

It was Wednesday when Cha2 called and asked to have a photoshoot on Thursday.. wha? Tmorrow?? haha.. well,, eniwei.. we really enjoyed the photoshoot with this two gals... xo gals..! thx :)

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

Here comes Angels...

We really enjoyed our time while taking pictures with these 5 angels, Angeli, Kikho, Mel, Jes and Queen. They are nice, beautiful and smart girls. Hearing them talkin' to each other.. really bring us smile and lots lots loootsss of laugh! Well,, here come some of their pics.. hope u enjoy it... Oww.. I really wish i could put all the pics here.... Thx angels! :">

Look at this Angel, Angeli... ow.... :-)